mpllibs::metamonad versioning

This section describes how the library is prepared for supporting multiple (not backward compatible) changes.

Template classes

The elements of the library are defined in the mpllibs::metamonad::v1 namespace. For example the let template class is mpllibs::metamonad::v1::let and is available after including the <mpllibs/metamonad/v1/let.hpp> header file.

At the same time the library provides the <mpllibs/metamonad/let.hpp> header file which includes <mpllibs/metamonad/v1/let.hpp> and contains the following:

namespace mpllibs
  namespace metamonad
    using v1::let;

This makes it possible to use let as mpllibs::metamonad::let.

Future versions of the library may provide other namespaces (eg. v2). The header files in <mpllibs/metamonad/...> provide the latest version of the library. To always get version v1, one should use header files in <mpllibs/metamonad/v1/...>.

This impacts the specialisation of template classes like monad, since one can not specialise this template class in the mpllibs::metamonad namespace, only in the mpllibs::metamonad::v1 namespace. The library does not use inline namespaces to work on compilers that do not support them.


Macros defined by the library are prefixed with MPLLIBS_V1_. For example MPLLIBS_V1_METAFUNCTION. It is defined in the <mpllibs/metamonad/v1/metafunction.hpp> header file. The library provides the <mpllibs/metamonad/metafunction.hpp> header file as well, which includes the definition of this macro and provides the following definition:


This makes it possible to use the macro as MPLLIBS_METAFUNCTION. Future versions of the library may define other versions of this macro (eg. MPLLIBS_V2_METAFUNCTION). MPLLIBS_METAFUNCTION will refer to the latest version.

This versioning does not affect macros that may be overridden by the code using the library. (eg. MPLLIBS_LIMIT_DO_SIZE)
