
#define MPLLIBS_METAFUNCTION(name, args) \
  // unspecified


This macro is intended to be used for defining forwarding metafunctions. The macro call expands to metafunction forwarding using inheritance. args is the list of template arguments, each of them in parentheses. The body is expected to follow the macro call in double parentheses. args can not be empty.

The metafunctions defined using this macro support currying.

body is expected to use typename for all dependent names, even when in the following situation:

MPLLIBS_METAFUNCTION(foo, (A)) ((typename A::type));
#include <mpllibs/metamonad/metafunction.hpp>

Expression semantics

Given an eval_arg template

template <class T>
struct eval_arg : T {};

inheriting from its argument, for any body angly-bracket expression, n > 0 and arg1 ... argn template arguments the following

MPLLIBS_METAFUNCTION(name, (arg1)(arg2)...(argn)) ((body));

is equivalent to

template <class arg1, class arg2, ..., class argn>
struct name___impl : eval_arg<body> {};

For any n >= k, t1, ..., tk classes and v1, ..., vn-k variables

name<t1, ..., tk>::type

is equivalent to

lambda_c<v1, ..., vn-k, name__impl<t1, ..., tk, v1, ..., vn-k>>


using namespace boost::mpl;

MPLLIBS_METAFUNCTION(double_value, (N)) ((times<int_<2>, N>));
