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What types of grammars can be used?

It is possible to write parsers for context free grammars using Metaparse. However, this is not the most general category of grammars that can be used. As Metaparse is a highly extendable framework, it is not clear what should be considered to be the limit of Metaparse itself. For example Metaparse provides the accept_when parser combinator. It can be used to provide arbitrary predicates for enabled/disabling a specific rule. One can go as far as providing the Turing machine (as a metafunction) of the entire grammar as a predicate, so one can build parsers for unrestricted grammars that can be parsed using a Turing machine. Note that such a parser would not be considered to be a parser built with Metaparse, however, it is not clear how far a solution might go and still be considered using Metaparse.

Metaparse assumes that the parsers are deterministic, as they have only "one" result. It is of course possible to write parsers and combinators that return a set (or list or some other container) of results as that "one" result, but that can be considered building a new parser library. There is no clear boundary for Metaparse.

Metaparse supports building top-down parsers and left-recursion is not supported as it would lead to infinite recursion. Right-recursion is supported, however, in most cases the iterative parser combinators provide better alternatives.
